Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer
Of course this product was going to end up in this post. I use this concealer every day that I put make up on. I actually have about 5 tubes of it at the moment because my local Boots doesn't stock Collection so I bulk buy whenever I can.
I will always have some form of this product in every bag. I have so many of these little guys because I lose one, buy a new one and then find the lost one. So they just keep piling up. But it shows you how much I cannot live without Carmex.
Simple Cleansing Wipes
I know these are basically a sin in the beauty world but I'm happy to admit they are my guilty secret. Whether I'm just using them to wipe make up off my hands, correcting mistakes or using them to remove make up when I just really can't be arsed with a full skincare routine I will forever have these wipes in my stash.
Aussie Curl Define + Shine
This is the only product that continuously works with my hair. And I have tried a lot of different brands. Curl Define + Shine never makes my hair go crispy or sticky which I find a lot of other brands do. The only downside is that is so hard to find in Cornwall, me and my mum are constantly on the look out for it!
Garnier Micellar Water
I love this micellar water and it's the best one I've tried. And if that's not a good enough excuse as to why it's in this post then I don't know what is.
What products will you always repurchase?
- Millie xx
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