I think 12 years old is a difficult time for everyone. You've just gone up to secondary school, puberty starts to kick in and a whole bunch of other stuff just seems to happen to us at this tender age. For me, my parents had just split up and I was starting to clash with people at school. Here's a few things I would say if I had the chance to sit down with my 12 year old self.
- Stop worrying about how you look. And stop with the glitter liquid eyeliner - it's conjunctivitis waiting to happen.
- Stop straightening and bleaching your hair - years later you'll regret the damage you've done and wish you'd embraced your natural, curly hair.
- Actually do the work you've been given. Just because you were on the 'Gifted and Talented' list in primary school doesn't make you a genius. Learn to study and revise now instead of years later.
- Try to enjoy secondary school, it will be the easiest and probably the best years of your life.
- And stop falling out with people. Learn to stop holding a grudge and to be able to let things go.
- Do not take part in that talent show. It will haunt you for years.
- Stop liking and joining groups/pages on Facebook, you'll still be unliking well into 2014.
- And finally, stop stressing out. Please.
As you can probably tell, it would be more of a stern talking to than a gentle chat. I hope you enjoyed this post, let me know if you'd like to see more of this type of thing!
What would you tell your younger self?
- Millie xx
12 years old wasn't too bad for me. I'd probably tell myself to get interested in makeup earlier so I'd have a bigger collection now because all I knew was to put mascara on the eyes. I'd also tell myself not to have such tragic hair xx